
Find ways to prepare for finals week

 Exams are finally here which means many students are figuring out how to study and complete what may seem like an endless amount of work. However, there are ways to combat the stresses and anxieties finals week can cause.

Take breaks 

Remembering to take a breather in an intense study session may be hard but remember to take a break to recharge mentally. Junior Michael Lindhorst recommends taking a five-minute break after studying for 30 minutes. 

“It’s not really good to burn out and do two, three hours’ worth of work in one sitting,” said Lindhorst. “You’re thinking about other things at that point.”

Use the five-minute break to check your phone or to reply to a text message. If needed, you can set a timer so you can remember to start studying again. 

Switch up topics

Miranda Billman watching a video to study. Photo by Olivia Daugherty

Another way to stay focused is to switch up topics while you are studying. If you start to feel yourself getting off track, try switching to a different subject or start a different project. Sophomore Miranda Billman suggests creating a schedule, but to allow yourself to move to a different subject if needed.

“I’m trying to work out when to study for each type of exam,” said Billman. “If I start to get tired of it or frustrated, I’m going to switch to a different one [topic].”

Figure out main topics

Looking through your notes from the past 16 weeks to study for a singular test can be daunting. You have read an entire book, attended weekly lectures, and have done countless homework assignments, which can create an overwhelming amount of material to study from. To overcome the anxieties you may be facing, think of the main topics you covered. Freshman Logan Hurt recommends highlighting what may seem important and focusing on it. 

“I would suggest knowing your main topics to study and then highlighting them throughout your notes and knowing which information is important and what is not,” said Hurt. 

Some professors do give study guides where they suggest topics to study. Utilize them to focus on what is important on the exam.

Remember to sleep and eat

Danielle King studying in Bob’s Place. Photo by Olivia Daugherty.

After studying for long hours and trying to make use of only having 24 hours in a day, sleep may not be the most important thing on your mind. Plus, the stress of exams may make you forget to even eat. But one student has simple advice to help find successes while taking tests. 

“Get good sleep,” said sophomore Danielle King. “And actually eat good food before going to exams.”

Do not stress out

This may feel like the most stressful time of your life but remember, this is only one week. Freshman Shelby Stammen advises remembering to stay calm under the pressure.

“Don’t overstudy because that’s not good either,” said Stammen. “Just study like you would for any other test.”

Try to take some time to yourself after long study sessions to destress and to have a clear mind for the next time you study. Self-care is important, even during finals week.

Congratulations everyone, we survived the first semester! Remember to take a deep breath and take time for yourself this break. After all, we will start all over again come January.

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