Steve Harnish, Darryl Nester, Luke Myers and Chris Leuthold gather for some pie and a smile as they have finished their seminar, and can finally enjoy their dessert.An abundance of pie top the table on Pi Day.
Steve Harnish cuts an orange into a circle, then splits one end, in order to fill in time between the countdown to Pi Day.Junior Megan Hill selects a delightful piece of pie. 3142019 (March 14th, 2019) occurs 26 times within the first two hundred million numbers of pi, while the combination 45817 (Bluffton’s zip code) appears 1981 times within the first two hundred million numbers of pi.Steve Harnish sets up the whip cream and pie for the Pi Day celebration.The time 3:14:15 p.m. is the first 5 digits of pi 3.1415, which marks the official celebration of pi day, similar to New Year’s Eve, but with a lot more pie.