Meghan Ream has been elected as the Student Senate president for the 2020-21 school year.
According to Kevin White, Student Senate advisor, Ream’s primary responsibility is to be the voice of the student body.
“The Student Senate president works directly with cabinet, with the board and with Sodexo to convey the messages that our senators and students alike are bringing,” White said. “They’re the point person for communication and the person students can feel represented by.”

2020-21 Student Senate President Meghan Ream. Photo courtesy of Meghan Ream.
Ream is currently the treasurer for Student Senate and sits on the university’s Undergraduate Academic Programs Committee, the Cross-cultural committee, the Student Life Committee, the Special Studies and Honors Committee and the Campus Conduct Board. She also is an officer in both Bluffton University Nutrition Association and the Science Club.
“By being that diversified just in Student Senate, I feel like I’ve been able to see how a lot of stuff works already,” Ream said. “I’m also involved in a lot of things, so I get to see how things run and I feel like I’ve stepped my way up into being able to handle this type of position.”
Ream said she feels like her past experience on Student Senate, in particular, will help her take the president role next year.
“Being in senate the past year, I have been able to analyze what goes on, what everybody’s roles are, what helps things run the smoothest and I think that I’ve developed my own map for what I think would work really well,” Ream said. “I thought I would run and try to put that in place and see where it goes.”
There are several projects Ream would like to tackle for next year, including continuing the work to get bikes and scooters on campus if that isn’t completed this year. She would also like to work on putting permanent decals in the bathrooms as a way to spread positivity to students.
“I know that clubs will do that here, but I think that it would be really cool to have someone come in during the summer or when we’re on break and put on permanent decals of positive stuff on the bathroom stalls,” Ream said. “That gives someone the opportunity to see something positive and change the atmosphere a little bit.”
Ream, who is a triple major in dietetics, pre-medicine and biology, said her favorite part about being involved in Student Senate so far was helping with the suicide prevention training. She said over 90 people went through the training in just two nights.
“I’ve talked to the lady who ran it, and she is cool doing it once every semester,” Ream said. “I’m super excited to see that expand and see how many people we can get educated on mental health awareness.”
Overall, Ream is most excited to be able to help put a team together that’s reflective of the student body and ready to lead by example.
“I can’t wait to be able to take lead and motivate the people in senate to be excited to do things for the campus and be able to put together a team that is excited to get things done,” Ream said.