
‘Fall’-ing for Around the Horn

Written by Colten McCabe

Break out the sweatshirts and apple cider, it’s the season that holds some of the closest holidays and memories near and dear to our hearts.

Of course, it’s fall!

With my love for this season overflowing more than a cornucopia, let’s jump right into this week’s edition of Around the Horn!


When classes become too much, when homework is piling up, when your body hurts from practice, keep your head up. No literally, keep your head up. Nothing beats a long day like a stunning autumn sunset.

Apple Cider


Freshëns Cookie Dough Smoothie

An oddly satisfying flavor with the texture of a thousand pieces of orange pulp.

I’m just as confused and intrigued as you are.

Anything Pumpkin

Come on…it’s pumpkin. If fall had a mascot, it would be a pumpkin.


At 9 p.m. Sept. 27, there will be a super cool literature themed event in Bob’s Place. This event involves games, magic tricks, poetry, prizes and many other things! There’s going to be Shakespeare socks and Freshens gift cards to win, tasty pizza and as if these weren’t enough, Arts and Lecture Credit!


At 3 p.m. Sept. 28 in Yoder Recital Hall, Dr. Jane M. Wood will be inaugurated as Bluffton’s 10th Bluffton University president. Stay tuned for The Wit’s coverage of the inauguration.


If you are sick or feel sick, please go to the Health Center. I promise you that no one else wants to get sick or see other people be sick. Yes, illnesses are being spread around. No, it may not be your fault that you were attacked by a flurry of viruses. However, you might be able to prevent the spread these illnesses by going to the Health Center. The Health Center is located in the first floor of Old Ropp Hall.

Short Story Before Advice of the Week

Time has a weird way of working.

I was typing a paper for a class, and I was stuck. So what’s the big deal? I love writing. Maybe a little more than I love reading, but I still get tripped up every now and then. After becoming stumped and well over frustrated, a friend of mine proceeded to beat on my door and would not accept me saying “it’s open” for an answer.

I opened the door and was immediately greeted by a group of my friends.

“We got you a Speedy Freeze,” the friends yelled in my face.

Sensing by the look on my face, they knew that I was frustrated about something. Without inviting them in, they walked past me in the doorway, plopped down there belongings, and proceeded to ask me what was wrong. We talked for about an hour about school, sports and other miscellaneous things.

After they left, I closed the door and turned to find my opened laptop (which had timed out at this point) with the same words on it as before.

In that moment, because of a 64 oz slushie and some rudely interrupting friends, I was given a reset.

Advice of the Week

I genuinely care about the well-being of all my friends. Even if we barely know each other, even if we differ from time to time; I still care about you.

We are at a point in our semester where things are stacking up and stacking heavy.

Whether it’s typing papers, exams, sports, trying to avoid people who could make you sick or being the person who is unfortunately sick, you can help the people around you by being both kind and aware.

If we see someone struggling, we will pick them back up.

In a time where life is stressful, sometimes, our own mind can be our biggest obstacles.

Obstacles, like sunsets, come and go. With obstacles, days go by.

Just remember that there will be more days and more opportunities.

I hope your fall is off to a good start, and that many delicious foods come around the horn!

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