
Advice for surviving final exams

By Ja’Mya Perkins

Finals week is approaching very soon. I know everyone is panicking right now, because I know I am. The end of the semester can be an exceedingly challenging time for college students considering your final examination grade can impact your overall grade. Whether the impact be positive or negative is up to the student.

Therefore, you should plan your schedule accordingly. Make sure you are giving yourself enough time to study, ask questions and even find a study group.

I have found essentials that help me prepare for finals and give me a greater chance of success. Everyone’s study habits are different, but some tips I find useful are getting plenty of rest, drinking water/staying hydrated, eat a nutritious breakfast, don’t wait to study until the night before, give yourself real time to review the information and email professors with any questions.

Do not wait until the last minute to prepare for your finals. Start now so you are not doing so much at one time. Time management is especially important while in college. A concept which took me a while to notice.

Sometimes a change of scenery can be helpful, going to a restaurant or even just finding a spot you haven’t studied at before.

Plan when you will do what work. How many hours will you spend? When will you take a break? How long will your breaks be?

So, put down the phone, put away the Ps5 and pick up a laptop. Say no to the parties and instead stay in and work. This can be an incredibly stressful time but if you take these steps, they can help, even if it is just a small amount of improvement.

I wish good luck to everyone taking finals next week and hope you can all relax over winter break.

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