
Around the Horn: March Madness

Written by Colten McCabe

My bracket is busted. All hope I had is now gone, and my life is in shambles. But it’s what March Madness does to you. It takes every ounce of your ambition and knowledge and tosses it right out the window.

March is for Madness. March is for pride.

But where March Madness ends, Around the Horn wins.

Around the Horn will never leave you feeling hopeless and lost, no. Around the Horn will love you until the very end.

Bringing all of the happenings around campus with a dash of silliness (and lots of puns), Around the Horn returns your knowledge and restores your hope in humanity, unlike a mean, rude, printed off bracket.

Allow me to get your “hoops” up with AROUND THE HORN!


The month of March is National Nutrition Month, and BUNA (Bluffton University Nutrition Association) is putting on multiple different events.

Firstly (although I know it’s close to the end of the month), make sure to send in your healthiest plate of food to the BUNA Instagram page. You must construct your plate from Marbeck, and the winner will receive $10 and a free T-shirt. This week’s winner will be announced Friday.

Nutrition bingo will be at 9 p.m. March 28 in Bob’s Place. Make sure to go for a chance to win food related prizes. How could you possibly pass up on the chance to win food?!?

Writing and speaking awards

There are some super cool writing and speaking awards with some pretty cool prizes being given out, so make sure to check out these awards for your chance to win some awesome stuff!

Creative writing award

This award is more on the end of creative writing, and holds a $200 prize amount for the winner!

Your submission has to be something from this academic year and can be anything from poetry to nonfiction or fiction.

Submissions also have to be three to 30 pages, and all prose must be double spaced.

The deadline is March 31 and all submissions should be sent to Cynthia Bandish at bandishc@bluffotn.edu.

C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest

The C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest is hosted every year during Civic Engagement Day and displays different students speaking abilities.

The first-place prize will be $175, second place is $125 and third place $100.

The winner will then go onto to compete against other winners from other Mennonite colleges in the United States and Canada for a chance to win an even larger grand prize.

If you are interested in this contest, contact Gerald Mast at mastg@bluffton.edu.

Naomi Brenneman Prize

This is academic essay (which has to be written within the academic year at Bluffton University, and cannot be a honors paper, or creative writing paper), must be three to 30 pages.

The submission deadline is also March 31, and all submissions can be sent to Cynthia Bandish at bandishc@bluffton.edu.

The prize is $75!

10 Minute Play Festival

The 10 Minute Play Festival is a super fun event to attend!

Students are given a short amount of time to write a play, learn their lines, and coordinate staging for their performance.

These plays are usually very humorous, and the event is for art and lecture credit.

This event will begin at 7:30 p.m. March 28 and conclude with performances at 7:30 p.m. March 30 in Ramseyer Auditorium.

Cheer STUNT tryouts

Are you interested in being a part of the Bluffton University Competitive Cheer STUNT Team?

Then your opportunity is coming soon!

Tryouts will be from from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 6.

If you are interested in trying out, coach Morgann Rode at cheerleading@bluffton.edu.

Global Festival

Different cultures will be displayed for any and everyone to see starting at 8 p.m. March 29 in Bob’s Place!

There will be ethnic snacks, games and prizes as well as art and lecture credit!


On Sunday, March 31 (I know, a lot of things are happening on March 31), if you would like to have a fun day at the waterpark, Bluffton will take a bus of students to Kalahari.

The cost is $15, and the bus will leave from Bluffton at noon.

Sign up by visiting The Spot (small space before Marbeck) before meals, as well as the mail desk to reserve your spot.

If you get to attend, hopefully you have a relaxing day at the waterpark!

Civic Engagement Day

Make sure to attend this super cool event, as both students and professors have worked very hard to set up everything!

Civic Engagement Day is April 3 and will be located in various spots around campus, so make sure to check around to see where the different events are being held!

Advice of the Month

Our advice of the week comes from our very own Witmarsum hero, David Woodward!

You are not yet who you will be. Don’t rush to settle down.

Even though money will be tight, time is your greatest financial asset at your age. Whenever possible, pay yourself first and invest. Don’t touch it until you retire.

Do what you love and you’ll never work a day. However, you won’t always do what you love. In that case, take the money while you keep searching!

Amazing advice from The Witmarsum legend himself!

This advice concludes this edition of Around the Horn March Madness!

Hoping everyone’s March is more on the side of productivity than madness!

See you Around the Horn!

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