
Bluffton horoscopes: New beginnings in the spring semester

Aries: This is a season of connection for Aries. The sun in Aquarius during the month of February motivates you to be social, collaborative and optimistic. You might find yourself wanting to get involved with more activities and projects on campus, however, be careful to not be too impulsive with the choices you’re making. Be sure to evaluate the things you are putting your energy into, and make sure they are worth your time. It’s important to not take on too much now and become overwhelmed later on. 

Important dates: Feb. 23, March 22, April 18 and May 16. 

Taurus: Taurus is doing a lot of inner work and growth this semester. You’ll be focusing a lot on figuring out exactly who you are and what you want from life after leaving Bluffton. Alternatively, you could be considering a change to your major or minor. The April new moon in Taurus tells you to go with your gut instinct when it comes to matters like these. Be confident and decisive moving forward and things will work out wonderfully. 

Important dates: Feb. 26, March 24, April 20 and May 18. 

Gemini: You might have had a rough start to the semester but know that your struggles won’t last long. You may be going through an emotional time, but by the end of February you will be breaking free of any limitations, doubts and fears that have been holding you back. If you’ve been in conflict, these conflicts will resolve themselves this semester as long as you make sure to communicate effectively. Be careful to not let things in your personal life impact your grades or education. Keep the personal and the academic separate for a successful semester. 

Important dates: Feb. 27, March 26, April 22 and May 20. 

Cancer: Cancer has a lot to let go of this semester. You might have found yourself holding onto a lot of negative energy recently. This could be in the form of holding grudges, surrounding yourself with people who aren’t beneficial to your mental health, or engaging in negative self-talk. It’s important to find ways to release this negative energy in order to thrive in the months moving forward. You could benefit from deep, meaningful conversations with those close to you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others when you need help. Confiding in trusted friends, faculty or Bluffton’s counseling services will help you turn the semester around into something positive. 

Important dates: March 1, March 3, April 26 and May 23. 

Leo: This is a very exciting time for Leos! Be prepared for a lot of new opportunities coming your way, especially in your social life. You could find yourself making many new and healthy connections, such as friends or possibly a new romantic partner. Mars in Gemini this February gives you competitive motivation this semester. You’re going to strive to be the best at whatever you do! If you are an athlete who’s in season, know that you will be performing at your best. Make sure to funnel some of this competitive spirit into your academic work for a strong semester all around! 

Important dates: March 5, April 1, April 29 and May 25. 

Virgo: Virgo is coming into a powerful energy this semester. All the hard work you’ve been doing is about to be recognized by those around you. If you found yourself overworked and stressed last semester, know that you will be stepping out of this during the spring months. You may find yourself letting go of jobs or responsibilities that were negatively impacting your motivation or getting in the way of self-care. Virgos now have the time to relax and focus their energy inward, practicing self-love and mindfulness. Your new-found confidence will attract many positive things into your life in the upcoming months, with new opportunities in both your professional and romantic life. 

Important dates: March 7, April 2, April 30 and May 1. 

Libra: Libra is really embracing the Valentine’s spirit this semester, practicing self-love while also thriving in your romantic life. You are going to spend much of the semester exploring what makes you feel happy and serene. However, be careful not to go down the path of pleasure-seeking and impulsive behavior this month or you could find yourself getting into more trouble than it’s worth. Libra could be at risk this semester for overspending or jeopardizing relationships with those close to you for the sake of self-indulgence. Remember to set boundaries with yourself and to not become dependent on materialistic things in order to feel fulfilled. Know that you are enough and that you don’t need to seek external sources of happiness in order to feel at peace with yourself. 

Important dates: March 9, April 5, May 4 and May 30. 

Scorpio: Scorpios might have been having feelings of instability as of lately. It’s important that you take time to practice mindfulness and assert boundaries with others as you do so. Like Libra, Scorpios this semester need to know that you don’t need to seek external sources of happiness. Similarly, you won’t find the stability that you seek in others, either. The full moon in Leo encourages you to focus your energy into your hobbies, passions and interests this semester. Get to know yourself and what actually makes you feel fulfilled.  

Important dates: March 11, April 7, April 9 and May 5. 

Sagittarius: It’s the season of spring cleaning for Sagittarius. For you, this time is bringing in a lot of change. At first, these changes might seem overwhelming, but have faith in the fact that Sagittarius is one of the most adaptable and resilient signs of the zodiac. If you are preparing for a move, change in major, or for life after Bluffton, don’t put anything off! Take things one step at a time to save yourself stress later on in the semester. 

Important dates: Feb. 15, March 13, April 10 and May 8. 

Capricorn: Capricorn might struggle this semester due to sacrificing their personal comfort and security for projects and responsibilities that aren’t benefiting them in the long run. Because of these sacrifices, you might find yourself making impulsive and self-destructive decisions that interfere with your daily schedule, which is important to the Capricorn. The sun in Pisces encourages you to return to your roots and find structure in things that have worked for you in the past. Now is not a good time to take on anything new or add anymore chaos to your already busy life. If you are struggling to balance your social, academic, and personal life, make sure to prioritize your “me-time” first and step away from any distractions that might be getting in the way of that. 

Important dates: Feb. 17, March 16, April 13 and May 10. 

Aquarius: Aquarius is the center of attention this spring. You might find yourself participating more in class and having that recognized by your professors. If you are an athlete, you also might find yourself finding recognition and success in your sport. The competitive nature of Aquarius this season might be making you feel restless or easily irritable. Combat this by putting your abundance of energy into things that are productive for you. This is a good time to rearrange your dorm room and make it into a space that feels new and exciting.  

Important dates: Feb. 18, March 18, April 15 and May 12. 

Pisces: Pisces may be experiencing unexpected news this season. Alternatively, after a time of introspection you might find yourself realizing something about yourself that you didn’t already know. If you feel the sudden urge to pick up a new hobby or get involved with a new campus organization, do so! Anything new brought into your life this spring is filled with opportunities for you. 

Important dates: Feb. 20, March 21, April 16 and May 14. 

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