This semester at Bluffton University has been hard for many reasons for a lot of people. From not being able to have family at sporting events to having to move into quarantine unexpectedly, students and faculty had to make adjustments.
I knew this semester was going to be strange for me regardless because it was my last semester on campus as a Bluffton student, which means my time as managing editor for The Witmarsum has also come to an end.
The Wit will always hold a piece of my heart for it has been one of the only constants throughout my entire Bluffton career. Even though I was not on staff as a first-year until the second semester, I have been contributing content since my first year.
I didn’t even want to apply for a job with The Wit as a first-year until two seniors at the time thought I would be a good asset to the program–let alone someday become the managing editor.
This organization has helped me grow so much as a person. It has helped me step out of my comfort zone. I interviewed people I normally would not talk to, improved my writing skills and stepped into a leadership position my junior year as the managing editor.
The amount of content The Wit produced this semester was less than in recent years, but I am proud of the work The Wit staff was able to create. They have worked hard producing high-quality articles and keeping the radio station going.
I am thankful for this program and what it has accomplished in the last four years. We went from placing at the Ohio New Media Association collegiate competition in three different categories back in February to reporting on COVID-19 in March to still producing weekly issues of The Witmarsum while going to school in the middle of a pandemic.
That is something everyone on staff should be proud of. I know I am.
I am grateful for the people I got to work with over the years serving as mentors and even becoming close friends. They serve as my inspiration as a journalist and always make me want to do my best.
Next semester will be different. I know that, but I have faith The Wit will continue just as strongly as it did this semester.
If I learned anything in 2020 it is communication is important, you are allowed to have the feelings you do and it is okay to ask for help when you need it.
I wish you all a healthy and safe spring semester.
Thank you,
Nicole Centofanti

Senior Nicole Centofanti, managing editor for The Witmarsum.