
Happiness and health drive Gibson

Some people choose a college based on athletics. Others choose a college based on a particular field of study. For Jessie Gibson, it was a mix of both.

Jessie Gibson works in the lab as part of her nutrition and dietetics major; photo by Bluffton University Public Relations

Gibson, a senior nutrition and dietetics major and volleyball player from Warsaw, Ohio, said it was the dietetics program at Bluffton University that first attracted her.

“To get a dietetics internship, you have to go an accredited university, and there are very few in Ohio. I definitely didn’t want to go to a big school, so this was a great fit for me,” said Gibson.

Gibson shared how her mom had her thyroid removed because of cancer. She said her family always had to watch what they ate so her mom could get the nutrients she needed. Over time, Gibson said she began to realize how what she eats affects her ability to perform as an athlete.

“The older I get, the more I realize how I treat my body is what it’s going to give back to me in my performance, so it’s definitely something I like to take care of,” said Gibson.

Gibson not only focuses on her personal nutrition, but also on her nutrition studies as a whole.

Jessie Gibson at the Research Fair; photo by Bluffton University Public Relations

“I enjoy that Jessie has a true passion for the major. She pursues nutrition outside of class when she is not required,” said Jeanna Haggard, assistant professor of food and nutrition. “This is exciting to see a student do.”

Volleyball team captain and fellow dietetics major Bethany Martini said it is rare to find someone as successful and hardworking in the classroom as Jessie.

“In between academics and athletics, Jessie always has a way of keeping the people around her laughing,” said Martini.

Gibson said she started playing volleyball in seventh grade, but had always been around volleyball and other sports since her dad was a coach. She played three sports most of her high school career.

“Towards junior and senior year of high school, I started doing club volleyball pretty seriously and I thought I definitely wanted to play in college,” said Gibson.

In high school, Gibson always played the position of setter, but when she came to Bluffton, coach Steve Yarnell saw her as a right side hitter. She said it’s a team sport and when you change positions like she did, “you have to remember you’re part of something bigger.”

“Since joining volleyball at Bluffton, she took on a new position and became a prominent player for the betterment of the team,” said Erin Weisgarber, senior math education major and volleyball team captain.

In addition to the responsibilities of being an athlete and dietetics major, Gibson is also a distributor for Advocare. According to their website, “AdvoCare provides innovative nutritional, weight-management and sports performance products.” Gibson began distributing for Advocare before she entered college. She said she sees some of their products as tools to use as one sees fit.

With everything Gibson is involved in, she has learned how to stay balanced. She said she’s realized she has to take care of herself first if she wants to be able to help others.

“I think it’s hard to draw a square and say this is where my attention has to stay for this amount of time, because you have to stay flexible when you are busy,”  Gibson said. “You can’t be rigid because you will drive yourself up a wall. Know when enough is enough.”

As Gibson pushes forward through her senior year, she will start the process of looking for a dietetics internship and continue working towards becoming a registered dietitian nutritionist.

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