
Intramural bowling signups due

Written by Colten McCabe

Lace up those shoes, and pick the wackiest colored ball—intramural bowling is here!

Up to 10 teams of four students may pay the $25 fee to join an intramural bowling league that will run Nov. 9 through Dec. 3. Registration is due through Student Life Oct. 31. Games will begin around 9:30 p.m. and end at the latest of 11:30 p.m.

With each new fall semester, both SouthGate Lanes Inc and Bluffton University students, have the chance to interact with one another. Brandon Falk, manager at SouthGate Lanes Inc. said the relationship goes back “every bit of at least 15 years.”

“Hopefully, we have a good turnout,” said Falk. “Ten teams would be awesome, so obviously the more people that we have the more turnout we get of more college students which is new business/new customers.”

Bowling gives both students and bowlers the opportunity to become better in their craft.

“I could further my skills in bowling,” said Hunter Fleck, a first-year sport management — communication major. “It would be a fun experience, and I could have fun with my friends.”

“The best part about it is actually when people are new to bowling,” said Falk. “Watching them learn, watching them grow as bowlers. Trying to learn, trying to get better.”

Both SouthGate Lanes Inc and the students from Bluffton University have something to gain from intramural bowling, Falk said.

“I think it’s great that the university is involved with us and that we can be involved with the university as well,” Falk said.“Like I said, getting new faces out here is great. The university has always worked great with us.” 

“I think it’s a good idea for the university and the Bluffton community to get involved with one another, while also getting students off of campus to meet and interact with new people,” said Fleck.

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