
Metzger reflects on 60-in-6

Holly Metzger, Wit file photo by Olivia Daugherty

Erin Cicerella reached out to Director of Student Engagement Holly Metzger to ask her reflections on the 60-in-6 series. Here’s what she had to say. 

How do you come up with event ideas?

We have a workshop at the end of the spring semester to evaluate 60-in-6 from the current year and brainstorm new and creative ideas for the following year. It’s a collaborative effort that requires a lot of student input from a wide representation of student groups.

How do you plan out 60-in-6?

We start by identifying events that were very successful and definitely ones we want to repeat. Then, we identify events that could be successful if we kept them and made some changes to help make it better. Then, we identify events that may have run its course and brainstorm some new ideas for engaging events for students to include. With this input, I carefully craft the calendar over the summer months tying in events from student groups and organizations along with athletics, academics, campus ministries, intramurals and residence life and welcome week to create a comprehensive and robust calendar that is hopefully fun, exciting and engaging for our students to explore a wide variety of options to connect with others on campus.

What were the different event options?

We included things from sporting events and tailgating to “Feel Good Fridays” which is an event every Friday morning or afternoon to meet students where they are and included things like the themed cart outside of centennial in the mornings or Kona Ice in the afternoon. We contracted out performers like the hypnotist and also provided some trips off campus for students. We also provided opportunities for students to connect with local churches, businesses and clubs on campus.

What were the top 3 events students went to?

The hypnotist is always a favorite! The Beaver Block Party was new this year and was a huge hit! And our “make a mat” event was a lot of fun, too.

What will the next 60-in-6 look like?

Definitely more pop-

up events to meet students where they are. For the rest, we’ll see what the athletic schedules look like to find ways to engage students in those spaces and then the rest will be all based on student input when we meet to plan 60-in-6 towards the end of the spring semester.

Which events do you think students will choose more for the next 60-in-6?

I think students really appreciate more chill events where they can relax, have fun and meet people.

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