
University unveils new class registration website

By Alyssa Eby

Beginning a few weeks ago, Bluffton University implemented a new software system for students. is now the website where students register for classes, check their student employment payment records and see their graduation report, among other things.

“I think is good but confusing when [you are] first using [it],” said sophomore Morgan Campbell.

Campbell appreciates how it is easier to register and search for classes on the new website, though it also has its flaws, she said.

“Searching for classes is more organized, but trying to locate where the book lists for classes are nearly impossible,” Campbell said.

With the technological updates also came an update on the look and navigation system to the website.

“It looks a lot better than the old system. It actually looks updated and new,” said Campbell, “It just takes some getting used to.”

Many students had trouble navigating the new website, as it manages more information than the previous system did. Students are also complaining that it is less user friendly because of the navigation system.  Spending time to familiarize themselves with the website has helped many students familiarize themselves with the new features.

“At first I couldn’t find anything I was looking for,” sophomore Emily Griffith said, “But once I spent some time messing around with it I figured most of it out.”

With the new tabs offered for grad reports, students can now see their progress without having to make a trip to the registrar’s office or look up their required classes on their own.

“It’s been helpful to see the list of classes I’ve taken as well as the classes I need to take all in one list,” said Griffith. “It makes it easier when scheduling and planning ahead.”

Changes can be difficult for anyone, especially students who were already familiar and comfortable using the old system. The new system has proven to be a great resource for students with its numerous added resources.

“Overall I do like the new system more than the old, I just recommend students spending some quality time with the site before judging it completely,” said Campbell.

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