
Around the Horn—year in review

This year has been one for the books. Lots of things have changed, and lots of things are continuing to change going into the next year!

But, what exactly has changed? Lemme tell ya:

This is:

Photo by Colten McCabe.

So far this year, we have achieved 50 years of Marbeck, added a few new academic programs (which include pre-physical therapy, pre-engineering and an insurance concentration), made even more progress on the Knowlton Science Center fundraising campaign, and the Honor Code turned 100 years old.

Another accomplishment, specifically related to The Witmarsum, is that The Wit staff has published more than 230 posts just this school year! We set our goal at 180 for the 2017-18 school year, and we are currently at 231.

It’s super cool to see the staff working their tails off to achieve this goal! Very proud of everyone involved!

We also completed the significant task of selecting Dr. Jane Wood as president-elect.

But, with all of this, how exactly did the year go? I asked upper- and underclassmen on how they thought the Bluffton University year went.

How’d the year go?

“Bien,” said senior Nick Bondra, who took some Spanish courses this semester.

“No bien,” said senior Adam Knott, who has never taken a Spanish course.

“Other than the bees chasing me around campus and this whole year being a strange manic, stupor, I enjoyed a lot of it,” stated freshman Allyson Fuqua.

“Quick but hectic,” said sophomore Cameron Miller.

“It went well; it was crazy, but it was a lot of fun,” said freshman Dalton Eversole.

“Fan-freakin’-tastic,” said freshman Patrick Spillman.

Lots of different opinions from lots of different people.

With the transition from accomplishments to how the year went, there is always some advice to be given, things to be learned, and tips to look into.

“Everyone who said you’d meet your lifelong friends in college is right,” said freshman Jules Frazier.

“Don’t fall behind,” said freshman Tony Sykes, Jr. “It’s easy to fall behind on your work, and it’s stressful to catch back up.”

“If you know you have a test in two weeks, start studying now,” said freshman Leondre Dean.

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it,” said freshman Stephan Kosakowski.

“Overall, making connections with professors is really important,” said sophomore Takayla Gadberry. “It’s going to get you through classes and help to build relationships with them.”

With these accomplishments and pieces of advice, I wanted to take this time to say thank you:

From the bottom of my heart, this year has been fantastic, and I am thankful to be a part of a community that exemplifies the true character traits of a community.

As for the future?

There will be even more years of Marbeck and the honor code, even more majors to be added to Bluffton, even more progress on the Knowlton Science Center, and even more articles to be published on The Witmarsum.

We are looking forward to the role that Dr. Wood will take when she arrives at Bluffton, as we continue in the path of community, respect, discovery and service.

Thank you for the amazing year as The Witmarsum staff and faculty have been here through everything, and will continue to stick with you through the future!

And, as always, go Beavs!

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