
Center for Career and Vocation resources still available for students and alumni

Bluffton University has become no stranger to the effects the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to universities around the globe, with the ever-changing ways to help their students. So, how has Bluffton been able to adapt to these very recent changes in the Center for Career and Vocation? Director of Center for Career and Vocation, LaShonda Gurley has continued to keep the center open and available for current students and alumni.

The center had already put measures into place to be able to utilize technology to offer more services for students, staff and alumni. With the COVID-19 pandemic moving Bluffton students to remote learning and clearing students off of campus, the Center of Career and Vocation has provided information on its website. Students can also email the center at career [at] and for a more personal experience Zoom appointments are also available. 

Current students looking for internships and jobs post-graduation may find it difficult to get interviews for these things, Gurley said. Many of the reasons are because employers are halting this process due to the pandemic and lockdown the United States is in., but there are still some organizations still looking for workers and offering internships.

One of the resources on the center’s website is the College Central Network. Gurley encourages students to create an account if they have not yet and if they have to log in and update their accounts. The College Central Network is a resource that shows employment and internship opportunities for students. 

The Center of Career and Vocation is also available to help students learn how to use the technologies in order to be prepared for online interviews. 

“We have also experienced an increase in employers and recruiters who are conducting interviews and recruitment events via video conferencing,” said Gurley. “Students must possess the skills and knowledge on how to conduct a successful remote interview. We can assist with that.”

The center is working to offer other features through their database that will help in the communication between Bluffton students and Bluffton alumni. The features will facilitate more efficiency in how the Center of Career and Vocation offer their services while maintaining the personalized experience. 

The center knows the current situation is not in any sense normal and their aid to students had to be adapted. The changes in the marketplace are what is dictating the shift in how the center helps aid the students and alumni. 

“We want our students to know that we have not forgotten about them as we shift,” said Gurley. “It is the exact opposite in that we are making the changes to better serve them. We want our students and alumni to not just gain and retain employment, but we want them to explore their vocation while pursuing their career goals.”

The center is in the process of moving forward and adapting to the current situation the university is presented with. Students still looking for internships and jobs can check the resources provided by the Center of Career and Vocation or reach out via email.

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