
How to push through to the end of the semester

The end of the fall semester is coming upon us. There are projects to do, tests to study for, presentations to put together and papers to finish before the semester ends. As a senior this year, this will be the seventh semester I have had to get ready for finals, and I have learned a thing or two about pushing through to the end of the semester.

Although there are many tips on the internet on how to prepare for finals and get through a semester, I have five tips I have been using since my freshman year. 

Tip 1: Know your finals schedule

One of the most important things about the end of the semester is finals. Finals can be very stressful. One way to alleviate some of the stress is to know your exam schedule. Knowing your schedule will make it easier to plan out what needs to be studied first. Knowing your finals schedule also reduces your stress levels because you will not have to be wondering when your finals are. 

Usually, I write my schedule down and put it in a place I will be able to see it and remember where it is. To find out when your finals are either ask your professors or visit the website for the exam schedule using this link.

Tip 2: Set aside time to study

As someone who doesn’t like to study, it is hard for me to have the motivation to go and study for an exam. What helps me especially towards the end of the semester is setting aside time for each of the exams I have and study during those times. I think knowing your schedule really helps in setting aside the proper amount of time to study going into the final last part of the semester. 

It is also a good way to get ready for presentations or work on projects that are due for a final. Setting aside time to work on things within the weeks before finals will make you worry less and feel less stressed going into your finals. 

Tip 3: Get sleep

As college students, it is sometimes hard to get enough sleep on a daily basis. But sleep is very important for your body and mind’s health. It will help you feel more motivated and ready to take on the day. If you feel like you did not get enough sleep, take a nap.

Tip 4: Self care

Self care is very important. Going into finals you want to make sure you are prepared and ready to finish off the semester strong. Do not be afraid to take breaks and check in on your mental health. It is okay to take time away from working on projects, presentations and studying to make sure you are doing okay. 

Do something you enjoy doing to take care of yourself. Read a book, workout, watch tv, play video games, just do whatever you enjoy doing. Being able to take time off of your school work and do something you enjoy will help boost your mood and take your mind off of school-related things.

Tip 5: Reward yourself

My final tip is to reward yourself. After your finals are done or you finished a project do not be afraid to celebrate. Every final finished is a small victory and a weight off your shoulders, so celebrate. 

This can be a very stressful time but when you push through and finish out the semester you are one step closer to graduating. Just know your schedule, set aside time to study, get some sleep, take care of yourself and in the end reward yourself. 

Senior convergent media major Trent Mast.

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